All about the Fast Food *

Hey bloggers, and welcome to my blog :)

I'd like to say in advance thank you for following me and looking up at my blogs it means a lot. So my blog is all bout the fast food, what's bad and what's better for your health, since nobody really pays attention to the food they eat, what's in it and if it's even good for you, reading my blogs it's gonna help you decide whether or not you really wanna eat what you usually do. It'll help you decide for the near future what you think is better for you. So stay tuned and see what new post will be next, maybe youre favorite fast food place, maybe your friends favorite your brother or sister or parents favorite, anyone's it's all going to be here. If you're curious a certain sort of fast food restaurant or maybe there's a mistake on one of my blogs, let me know and i will most definitely get back at you with some answers. So again, thank you and i'll be sure to check up on your blogs.

& thatainTme is out! Byeee :)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Boston Pizza

Boston Pizza has began in Edmonton, Alberta on August 12, 1964. Boston Pizza had 17 locations in Western, Canada by 1970. The original location was located at 5515 137 Avenue Northwest. Joe Tremblay was the first customer and is still a proud patron today. Boston Pizza has a total of 386 restaurants in North America, with 335 locations in Canada.

(Full credits to Wikipedia; it helped me find the information for the founders and associates)

Last time I’ve been to Boston's Pizza was during the summer of 2010 and we went in as a group of friends and bought the Bacon Double Cheeseburger Pizza. I'm sure we gained tons of calories that day considering only two large slices has 700 calories, 30g fat (saturated fat information is not offered by the restaurant) 1,300 mg sodium.

 It's more like a yummy Double Disaster since just two slices piled high with ground beef, bacon, onions and double cheese. But if you want to cut that calorie in half get The Tasty Californian, with zucchini, onions, sun-dried tomatoes and Parmesan, is probably the healthiest choice. Two large slices contains 360 calories, 5 grams of fat, 700 milligrams of sodium.

Boston Pizza

¨You're among friends¨

1 comment:

  1. Ive only had boston pizza once in my life and it was a long time ago in like 2006 and i rememeber because when my grandma died my aunt ordered a bunch of food from boston pizza and sent it to our house. I dont ever rememeber having pizza though. I know they had lasagna and salads and other stuff and all i rememeber my mom saying is that shes gonna be eating allot of calories. Good Blog reem! keep up the good work
