All about the Fast Food *

Hey bloggers, and welcome to my blog :)

I'd like to say in advance thank you for following me and looking up at my blogs it means a lot. So my blog is all bout the fast food, what's bad and what's better for your health, since nobody really pays attention to the food they eat, what's in it and if it's even good for you, reading my blogs it's gonna help you decide whether or not you really wanna eat what you usually do. It'll help you decide for the near future what you think is better for you. So stay tuned and see what new post will be next, maybe youre favorite fast food place, maybe your friends favorite your brother or sister or parents favorite, anyone's it's all going to be here. If you're curious a certain sort of fast food restaurant or maybe there's a mistake on one of my blogs, let me know and i will most definitely get back at you with some answers. So again, thank you and i'll be sure to check up on your blogs.

& thatainTme is out! Byeee :)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Pizza Hut

Their Logo and most important variety; "Pizza's".

Pizza Hut is an American restaurant chain that was founded 1958 by the brothers Dan and Frank Carney in their hometown of Wichita, Kansas. One of their friends suggested opening a Pizza Parlor so they rented a small building at 503 souths Bluff in downtown Wichita. 

They chose the name "Pizza Hut" since the sign they purchased only had enough space for 9 characters and spaces. 
(Full credits to Wikipedia; it helped me find the information for the founders and some of the information above.)

One of the speciality on the menu is called the Pepperoni lovers’ Pizza which contains 800 calories, 39 g fat (16 saturated), and 1,830 mg sodium. But for better if you cannot do without the Pepperoni as one of your toppings, go with the Pepperoni only Pizza and save 155 calories and 13 grams of fat (645 calories, 26 grams of fat, ten saturated, and 1,305 milligrams of sodium). 

Everyone loves their pizza, order them pizza from which ever place it could be a clean or dirty place, and they’ll still eat the pizza. It gives fast food business owners the opportunity to make them even more delicious but then that includes even more fattening, so more calories than required. But since there no nutrition’s table on the box of the pizza or anywhere, nobody really pays any attention to how much it contains, therefore its rated second on the top 10 of the fattest fast food chains.

I personally would have never thought it would be on the top 10 most fattening fast food chains, so I definitely have learned something new about Pizza Hut. I'm not saying -DO NOT eat there, do as you please because I've eaten there before and let me tell you they make a mean pizza and juicy wings. I went for someone’s birthday so obviously like every other restaurant they give you free desert which was this awesome cinnamon cake, it’s been 3 years since I ate there and last been there, maybe things have changed maybe not. But as a first time go-were I was satisfied.   

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