All about the Fast Food *

Hey bloggers, and welcome to my blog :)

I'd like to say in advance thank you for following me and looking up at my blogs it means a lot. So my blog is all bout the fast food, what's bad and what's better for your health, since nobody really pays attention to the food they eat, what's in it and if it's even good for you, reading my blogs it's gonna help you decide whether or not you really wanna eat what you usually do. It'll help you decide for the near future what you think is better for you. So stay tuned and see what new post will be next, maybe youre favorite fast food place, maybe your friends favorite your brother or sister or parents favorite, anyone's it's all going to be here. If you're curious a certain sort of fast food restaurant or maybe there's a mistake on one of my blogs, let me know and i will most definitely get back at you with some answers. So again, thank you and i'll be sure to check up on your blogs.

& thatainTme is out! Byeee :)

Monday, October 18, 2010


McDonald's restaurant was first founded in 1955 in Illinois, the first McDonald's restaurant outside of the United States opened in Richmond, British Colombia in 1967. 

Every four hours a new McDonald's opens somewhere, no wonder there are over 30 000 locations in the world. 

(Full credits to Wikipedia; it helped me find the information for the founders and information above)

One out of ten biggest fast food restaurants is McDonald's Double Quarter pounder with cheese. It contains 740 calories, 44 g fat (21 saturated), 1300 mg sodium. If you switch to a McDonald's Double Quarter pounder with NO cheese you subtract about 25 grams of fat. It has 420 calories, 19 grams of fat ( 8 saturated ) and 620 milligrams of sodium. You can see without the cheese made 320 calories difference. 

Eating fast food is not necessarily a bad thing, but take your time when you're deciding what to order. In my defence I find McDonald's the top fast food restaurant that has the most fattening, even though it smells incredible and the taste is fantastic, which is the reason why everyone buys McDonald's in the first place, you consume way too much calories by just eating 1 meal maybe up to around 1000 something or more calories, and you only need to consume about 2000-2500 calories PER day. Maybe eating McDonald's once or twice a month is good enough but eating it once or twice a week is really bad for your health. Eating fast food is not necessarily a bad thing, but everyone should take their time when they’re deciding what to order.

The video above shows how the food reacts overtime. Over the days, weeks and months that goes by. Here are the seven experiments that he has used.

- Big Mac
-  Chicken McGrill
- Fillet-O-Fish
- Quarter Pounder
- French Fries
- Hamburger (real meat)
- French fries (regular restaurant)

As you can see after 2 weeks if you compare the French Fries, that McDonalds one looks completely just bought and the French Fries from a regular restaurant is obviously old. What’s the matter with the French Fries from McDonald’s?

Now if you compare all of the burgers, after 2 weeks they’re all starting to mould except for the Big Mac (most of everyone’s favourite burger off the menu).

Around between 3-5 weeks the Big Mac started to mould along with the other burgers. This experiment lasted up to 10 weeks until they threw them away from the nasty smell, after 10 weeks the burgers looked gross and poisoning and the McDonald French Fries ... well let’s just say they looked like it’s just been bought the day before, how long could have the French Fries lasted? I’m curious to know also.


¨I'm lovin' it¨

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