All about the Fast Food *

Hey bloggers, and welcome to my blog :)

I'd like to say in advance thank you for following me and looking up at my blogs it means a lot. So my blog is all bout the fast food, what's bad and what's better for your health, since nobody really pays attention to the food they eat, what's in it and if it's even good for you, reading my blogs it's gonna help you decide whether or not you really wanna eat what you usually do. It'll help you decide for the near future what you think is better for you. So stay tuned and see what new post will be next, maybe youre favorite fast food place, maybe your friends favorite your brother or sister or parents favorite, anyone's it's all going to be here. If you're curious a certain sort of fast food restaurant or maybe there's a mistake on one of my blogs, let me know and i will most definitely get back at you with some answers. So again, thank you and i'll be sure to check up on your blogs.

& thatainTme is out! Byeee :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Arby's fast food restaurant is mostly known for selling their roast beefs sandwiches and their curly fries. It was founded in Boardman, Ohio in 1964 by Forrest and Leroy Raffel. The brothers wanted to call their place "Big Tex" but since the name was already in use they chose Arby's based on R.B the initials of Raffel Brothers.

(Full credits to Wikipedia; it helped me find the information for the founders and associates, total of locations and such...)

I've only tried Arby's once since there was no other place closer to the pool my friends and I were at. In my opinion it wasn't ALL that, like the "Big Mac" at McDonald's and the "Whopper" at Burger King, it was just was just a regular burger to me, but this is only my opinion.

The health issues isn't that bad here, if you're buying their famous roast beef sandwiches, its only between 200 calories to 400. But if you we're to order a side of their famous curly fries too, then you'd add the least 200 calories so the most 600 ish maybe even more. 

They have one item that is really high in calories and it is the "Roast Chicken Caesar Salad Sandwich" which contains: Eggs, Fish (anchovies), Milk, Soya, Wheat and adds up to about 900 calories... people contradict and think since it says "Roast Chicken Caesar SALAD sandwich" they assume its the healthy choice on the menu, when really its the worst item up there out of all, you'd consume about 52 g of FAT.

I swear im learning so much from each fast food place when I do my research, thank god for this project ! ;)

 "I'm thinking Arby's"

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