All about the Fast Food *

Hey bloggers, and welcome to my blog :)

I'd like to say in advance thank you for following me and looking up at my blogs it means a lot. So my blog is all bout the fast food, what's bad and what's better for your health, since nobody really pays attention to the food they eat, what's in it and if it's even good for you, reading my blogs it's gonna help you decide whether or not you really wanna eat what you usually do. It'll help you decide for the near future what you think is better for you. So stay tuned and see what new post will be next, maybe youre favorite fast food place, maybe your friends favorite your brother or sister or parents favorite, anyone's it's all going to be here. If you're curious a certain sort of fast food restaurant or maybe there's a mistake on one of my blogs, let me know and i will most definitely get back at you with some answers. So again, thank you and i'll be sure to check up on your blogs.

& thatainTme is out! Byeee :)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Ming Wah Chinese Buffet

Hi bloggers, :D 
I'm excited to talk about Ming Wah because I love Chinese food with a strong passion!

Have you ever been to Ming Wah Chinese Buffet on 6711 Tecumseh Road East Windsor? If not you’re definitely missing out big time!! Most amazing place to go eat at, not only is it cheap, 15.99 for adults not bad for a buffet where you can go for seconds, thirds, forth’s +.

They give you so many choices like;
  •         Noodles                                         
  •      Rice
  •      Chicken balls
  •      Chicken wings
  •       Cooked shrimp
  •      Breaded shrimp
  •      Frog legs
  •      Fries
  •      Mushroom
  •      Cooked vegetables
  •      Steamed scallops
  •      Stir fried beef
  •      Sweet and sour pork
  •      Mushroom fried noodles
  •      Crab legs
               + And much more in that category

They also give you choices like;
  •          Different flavored ice cream
  •       Cream puffs
  •       Brownies
  •      Lemon cake(slices)
  •      Toffee cake(slices)
  •      Coffee cake(slices)
  •      Strawberry cake(slices)

       + And more

They also give you choices like;
  •          Different kinds of cut fruits
  •       Multiple kinds of soup
  •       Italian salads
  •       Greek salads
  •       Tabouli (middle eastern salad)
 And my favorite thing they serve is sushi rolls, there is;
  •       Avocado roll                                   -> 140 calories, 5.7 grams of fat
  •       California roll                                 -> 255 calories, 7.0 grams of fat
  •       Kappa Maki (cucumber roll)       -> 136 calories, 0.0 grams of fat
  •       Spicy tuna roll                               -> 290 calories, 11.0 grams of fat
  •       Shrimp tempura roll                    -> 508 calories, 21.0 grams of fat
  •       Salmon & Avocado roll                 -> 304 calories, 8.7 grams of fat
  •       Tuna (Maguro) roll                       -> 184 calories, 2.0 grams of fat
  •       Eel (Unagi) and avocado roll       -> 372 calories, 17.0 grams of fat

And many more

This place has the most amazing food possible; it’s all so go every time I go there I get so stuffed and then when I leave I wish I would have ate more. I think I might just go there soon, it’s been since September that I haven’t been.

Something I learned from reading online is that if you go to here on your birthday with 2 or more friends, you get FREE FOOD! How awesome is that, now I’m definitely going to go there on my birthday haha.

(Full credits to Wikipedia; for some of the food that they served, most of them I knew them by hear considering its my favorite place (: ! )

Ming Wah Chinese Buffet

" Your Choice...Take Out Buffet By the Pound"


  1. Very interesting blogs. I'm not sure if I should be hungry or grossed out. I'll let some of the wikipedia copying go because you explain on 3-4 blogs that you are copying it, and then you give your opinion. Just remember to say you are coying on each end every blog where you copy.

    Good work.

  2. LMAOOO M. its do good what are you talking about, i wanted chinese food so bad after doing this blog haha :P but yeahh im doing that at the moment in your class (:
